Biogeochemistry and Climate Change - Gomez-Saez Lab
Kathi got awarded with the Best Master Thesis prize from Munich GeoCenter (LMU & TUM) for her master thesis:
"Microbial activity under deoxygenation conditions in the water column of Mariager Fjord (Denmark)".
Perfect beginning for her PhD project in our group!
Master Thesis
Katharina Muschler successfully defended her Master Thesis from the MGAP program under the title "Microbial activity under deoxygenation conditions in the water column of Mariager Fjord (Denmark)"
Congratulations Kathi!
2-years group anniversary!
We celebrated our 2-years anniversary with amazing pistachio-croissants and the coolest group photo in the Bavarian State Collection for Palaeontology and Geology of the LMU, where our offices and laboratories are located.
Visiting scientist
David Velázquez (UAM, Madrid) joins the group as a Visiting Scientist from the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS-LMU).
Thank you CAS and welcome David!
Emmy-Noether retreat
Gonzalo attended in Potsdam to the Year Retreat of Emmy-Noether, this year the 25th anniversary of the program.
Very interesting workshops, talks and people!
We presented in the Deep Biosphere and Beyond 2024 workshop at Tutzing, Germany
Identifying the active microbes driving organosulfur cycling in marine sediment
Coskun, Orsi, D´Hondt, Gomez-Saez
Press article about Antarctica
"Warming in the cooler" - press article on our research about how climate change and raising temperatures are leaving its mark in Antarctica - including insights and photos from the "Journey to Antarctica" voyage from Lindblad Expeditions - National Geographic, where Gonzalo joined and took water, ice and soil samples as a visiting scientist - together with David Velázquez, a National Geographic Explorer from UAM, Madrid.
Excellent job by the LMU press team - thank you Monika Gödde and Dominic Anders! Looking forward to working with you again!
Here the links in English:
and in German:
More details about this project in this link to our research.
Our latest paper!
"Quantifying genome-specific carbon fixation in a 750-meter deep subsurface hydrothermal microbial community"
Check it out here: (Coskun et al., 2024)
New member
Marit Renken joins the group as a PhD student
Welcome Marit!
Parental leave
Jun - Nov 2023
There is a new boss for the Group Leader!
Gonzalo is taking Parental Leave ("Elternzeit" in German) to enjoy the time with the little one.
See you in November!
Special thanks to DFG Equity and Diversity principles:
Scientific Expedition
May 2023
During May 2023, we went to Denmark to sample fjord waters at different oxygen concentration from a unique anoxic basin. We performed onboard incubations and experiments with microbes and dissolved organic matter (DOM). This expedition included scientists from six different nationalities (Danish, German, Turkish, French, Australian and Spanish) and the represented research institutions and universities were the Ludwig-Maximilians University (Munich, Germany), the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (Bremen, Germany) and the Center for Electromicrobiology of Aarhus University (Aarhus, Denmark).
Thank you to our fantastic collaborators and special thanks to the Mariager Sailing Club for their help in the field!
We presented our results at the EGU23 Conference in Vienna:
"Dissolved organic sulfur utilization by marine benthic microbial communities revealed by qSIP"
Coskun, Orsi, D´Hondt, Gomez-Saez
"Spatial dynamics of marine DOM in the Benguela upwelling system"
Gomez-Saez, Coskun, Oertel, Niggemann, Dittmar, Ferdelman, Orsi
First paper out of the group!
"Carbon metabolism and biogeography of candidate phylum “Candidatus Bipolaricaulota” in geothermal environments of Biga Peninsula, Turkey"
Check it out here: (Coskun et al., 2023)
Ömer got awarded with the Best PhD Thesis prize from Munich GeoCenter for his thesis:
"Quantifying carbon fixation in microbial dark matter from low-temperature hydrothermal settings: experimental validation using quantitative stable isotope probing".
Here in the photo together with our close collaborators Bill Orsi and Vanessa Helmbrecht (award for best MSc thesis!)
New member
Katharina Muschel joins the group as a Master Student!
Welcome Kathi!
Invited talk
Together with several scientists and three more Emmy-Noether awardees, Gonzalo introduced the project during an invited talk at the:
"SYMPOSIUM 20 years GeoBio-CenterLMU - Past, Present and Future" in the beautiful lecture hall of the Botanical Institute in Munich.
New member
Dr. Ömer K. Coskun joins the group as a Postdoc.
Welcome Ömer!
Launch of the OXYGEDOM project
Dr. Gonzalo V. Gomez-Saez started the OXYGEDOM DFG Emmy Noether Project at the LMU University in München.
Postdoc and PhD positions will be available soon!